The Brentwood Design Charrette

Conceived as “chunks,” the type of development along the Lougheed corridor allows greater densities of mixed use without compromising the street environment. Commercial/residential buildings are designed at an approximate height of seven storeys forming a human-scaled streetwall. The remaining top storeys of residential units are set back from the street. The total depth of each chunk is approximately eighty feet and includes a central interior servicing shaft, which allows street activity to occur along both sides of the building. The upper storey massing is articulated by the widths of individual residential units, which, at forty feet wide, allow maximum light into each residence. Lower-floor commercial units are typically 120 feet wide. The chunks are connected to the wider neighbourhood via pedestrian “alleys” that bisect the block at mid-point.  

Perspective showing mid-block pedestrian-only pathways that connect shopping streets with neighbourhood streets and parks.